This user manual will guide you through the order management feature of Eatance Restaurant Builder, helping you handle all your orders with ease and speed.

Step 1: Order Management Dashboard

  • Log in to the admin panel of your Eatance online ordering website.Log In to Eatance Restaurant builder Admin Account
  • Click on the "Orders" section in the left sidebar menu.
  • Select "Orders" from the sub-menu to access the order management dashboard.Order Management Dashboard

Step 2: Order Details and Color Codes

The dashboard displays a list of all received orders with details like order ID, customer name, contact information, order status, payment status, order date and time, and order amount.

Color codes are used to indicate the status of each order:

  • Blue: Order placed by the customer but has yet to be accepted.
  • Orange: Order accepted and being prepared.
  • Green: Order fulfilled, delivered, or picked up.
  • Red: Order canceled by either you or the customer.Order Details and Color Codes

Step 3: Receiving an Order 

When a customer orders on your website, you will receive a notification and a ringtone alert.

Click on the notification icon to view the order details, including contact information, products ordered, delivery/pickup option, and payment method.Receiving an Order

Step 4: Accepting the Order

If everything looks good, change the status from "placed" to "order accepted" or "preparing" (based on your preference) to accept the order.Accepting food Order

Step 5: Payment Status

For cash payments, mark the order as paid by clicking the green checkmark icon in the payment column.

Online payments through gateways like PayPal or Stripe will automatically show as paid.Payment Status

Step 6: Order Fulfillment

Once the order is prepared and ready for delivery or pickup, change the status to "completed" or "picked up" (depending on your preference).Order Fulfillment

Step 7: Canceling an Order

In unforeseen circumstances, you can cancel an order by changing the status to "canceled."
Canceling an Order

Step 8: Bulk Actions and Handling Multiple Orders

Use the bulk actions feature to manage multiple orders simultaneously.
Select multiple orders by checking their boxes and use bulk actions to change status or delete them.Bulk actions and handling multiple restaurant orders

Step 9: Filtering and Searching Orders

Filter Feature

Use filters to view specific types of orders, such as deleted, completed, or placed orders.Filtering and searching order

Date Range Filter

Filter orders by a specified date range to view orders within that period.Date range filter search

Registered Customer Filter

Filter orders by registered customers to view orders placed by a particular customer.Registered customer filtering and searching orders

Search Feature

Use the search feature to find orders using their specific order IDs quickly.Order ids filtering searching ordersManaging orders with the Eatance Restaurant Builder is seamless and convenient. 

If you have any questions or feedback, contact us anytime. Thank you for choosing Eatance Restaurant Builder!