While ordering food online, we all look out for coupons as enthusiastically as we look out for our favorite dishes. Did it ever happen to you that despite applying coupon, the payable bill comes out to be huge enough to push you towards dropping the order? You are not alone
Read More‘The only difference between a mob and a trained army is organization’- these words by Calvin Coolidge seem relatable in every venture one sets out for. Good organization of tasks and workforce works like a car wiper works while driving in the rain. It clears up the vision for a
Read MoreSuccess is initiated at the very beginning of one’s business when you make a plan for it. Your objective is not just for the development strategy but for the viable conceptualization of your thoughts to present to your colleagues and associates. A perfect business plan is the first wise step
Read MoreEatance has always received love from customers, and the overwhelming feeling of love and recognition has been catalyzed by sur.ly by recognizing Eatance as one of the safest websites for users in 2022. The trust and confidence shown by our customers are validated by the award. Therefore, encouraging us to
Read MoreSuccess lies at the heart of the management of a business, and when one is into the restaurant business, good management is a game-changer. How you hold things together and leverage beneficial changes to a venture determines the success of your efforts. Negligence and stagnant efforts guarantee only failure, while
Read MoreRevenue in the Online Food Delivery segment is projected to reach US$343.80bn in 2022. How about we discuss some strategies to get you a significant chunk out of it? Clearly, food delivery services are on the rise. People want those delicious treats at their fingertips. But not all food delivery
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